Summer Camp
For a great summer experience, sign up today!
Your child’s brain benefits from stimulation all year, not just from September to June. Steppingstone’s Summer Day Camp is ready to fill your child’s need for quality, guided enrichment and fun throughout the summer. Recreation is combined with learning in a relaxed, caring, and safe environment that provides diverse and challenging activities.
Steppingstone’s program is unique because it offers children the opportunity to choose the theme week they wish to attend while those children who enroll for the whole summer are provided with a new and exciting topic every week. The small student to teacher ratio allows for a high degree of individual attention. Children are placed in developmentally appropriate learning groups consisting of 8–12 children per instructor.
Our program was designed by Kiyo A. Morse, Founder of Steppingstone School, and is run by a professional staff assisted by caring camp instructors. Summer is just around the corner and registering for Steppingstone’s Summer Camp is the best way to start your great summer experience.
For a great summer experience, sign up today!

For a great summer experience, sign up today!
Your child’s brain benefits from stimulation all year, not just from September to June. Steppingstone’s Summer Day Camp is ready to fill your child’s need for quality, guided enrichment and fun throughout the summer. Recreation is combined with learning in a relaxed, caring, and safe environment that provides diverse and challenging activities.

Steppingstone’s program is unique because it offers children the opportunity to choose the theme week they wish to attend while those children who enroll for the whole summer are provided with a new and exciting topic every week. The small student to teacher ratio allows for a high degree of individual attention. Children are placed in developmentally appropriate learning groups consisting of 8–12 children per instructor.
Our program was designed by Kiyo A. Morse, Founderof Steppingstone School, and is run by a professional staff assisted by caring camp instructors. Summer is just around the corner and registering for Steppingstone’s Summer Camp is the best way to start your great summer experience.
Steppingstone summer camps are open to the public!
2025 STEAM Summer Camp Brochure (PDF format)
To register, please visit bit.ly/SteppingstoneSC25.
Summer Camp General Information & Fees
Ages: 6-13 years (unless otherwise noted)
Cost: Varies by camp, please see individual descriptions below
Camp Hours: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Location: 650 Church St., Ste. 119, Plymouth, MI 48170
Extended Day: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Bring your own: lunch, water bottles, and a novel
8:00 – 9:00 am Extended Day begins
8:45 – 9:00 am Arrival
9:00 am Session 1
10:30 am Bathroom & Snack Break
10:45 am Session 2
12:00 – 1:45 pm Recess, Lunch & Quiet Reading
1:45 pm Session 3
3:00 – 3:30 pm Review of the Day
3:30 – 3:45 pm Dismissal
3:45 pm Extended Day Begins
5:00 pm Extended Day Ends
- Register online at: bit.ly/SteppingstoneSC25
- Mail $50/camper/session, non-refundable deposit to:
Steppingstone School
650 Church St., Ste. 119
Plymouth, MI 48170 - Tuition Balance is due two weeks prior to the start of camp
- For questions, please call (248) 957-8200
Additional information and forms will be emailed upon registration.
There will be no refunds of tuition deposits ($50/camper/session). Camps who attend only part of a session for any reason will not receive a refund for days not attended. Once registered, changes in session can be made only if space permits. Tuition and fees (not including deposit) will be refunded if a notice has been received in writing no less than two weeks prior to the start of the session. After this period, tuition is due in full regardless of your child’s attendance. If a course is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, all fees paid for that session will be refunded (including deposit).
2025 Summer Camp Schedule

Tech Explorers: Take-Apart & Rebuild Camp ($400)
Session I
June 16-20
Unlock the mysteries of technology in his hands-on summer camp! “Take-apart” your own or the camp’s computers, printers, and/or other electronic devices to explore and understand their inner workings. Finally, challenge yourself to reassemble and bring them back to life.
Instructor: Dr. Morse

Physical Biochemist and ISU professor emeritus w/decades of experience teaching Steppingstone School students about computer programming and the technology of Computers, 3D Printers, Drones, and ESR (Electron Spin Resonance). Dr. Morse is the founder of the SMART Center (Steppingstone MAgnetic Resonance Training) scientific research laboratory at Steppingstone School and owner of SSS (Scientific Sofware Services) for data collection and analysis software for ESR equipment.

Myths & Legends: A Greek Mythology Adventure Camp ($400)
Session II
June 23-27
Step into and explore the world of ancient Greek gods, epic heroic adventures, and mythical creatures through story-telling, creative art, identification of constellations related to mythical heroes, and exciting games.
Instructor: Shari Dudek

With more than a decade of teaching at Steppingstone School, Mrs. Dudek is an expert in the hands-on approaches that appeal to students.

Flavors of Asia: Cooking, Culture, and Cuisine Camp ($450)
Session III
July 7-11
Embark on a culinary adventure through Asia. Explore native languages, cultures and games while learning basic cooking skills and preparing daily lunches and traditional snacks. Daily leftovers will be taken home. Please note: This is a nut-free camp.
Instructor: David Liou

Mr. Liou is the Head of Steppingstone School. He teaches Mandarin to the Early Elementary students, enjoys games from Asian cultures, and is an amateur chef.

Strategic Connections: Chess, Chinese Chess, and Board Game Adventures ($400)
Session IV
July 14-18
Instructor: David Liou (see above)
Explore the intricacies of Chess, Chinese Chess (xiangqi), Checkers, Chinese Checkers, and a variety of other strategic games, including favorite board games from home.

SMART Center for Scientific Research ($500)
Session V
July 21-25
Instructor: Dr. Morse (see above)
The SMART Center (Steppingstone MAgnetic Resonance Training) gives middle school through college graduate students the unique opportunity to perform research in a university-grade research laboratory, using magnetic resonance instrumentation to create, design, and analyze data from their own scientific research projects. Students who complete this course may return to plan and perform extended research projects and the chance to present their work at the Rocky Mountain Conference for Internationally known scientists in the summer of each year. This is the ultimate STEM experience and is not available anywhere else on this planet!