650 Church Street, Ste 119, Plymouth, MI 48170
Parent Ambassadors are returning parents who are willing to make occasional phone calls to ask for volunteers (e.g., auction assistance), distribute information of an immediate nature, and to offer to answer questions from other parents, especially those who are new to the school. Referred to as the Dream Team, these parents provide a valuable volunteer service to our school. As a new parent, you can expect to have questions about Steppingstone’s curriculum, fundraising expectations and more. A member of the Dream Team will help with any uncertain topics, ranging from “What is Power Reading?” to “What’s the Annual Auction all about?” and everything in between. You will be provided a list of the Dream Team parents and phone numbers at the start of the school year.
Parent Ambassadors are returning parents who are willing to make occasional phone calls to ask for volunteers (e.g., auction assistance), distribute information of an immediate nature, and to offer to answer questions from other parents, especially those who are new to the school. Referred to as the Dream Team, these parents provide a valuable volunteer service to our school. As a new parent, you can expect to have questions about Steppingstone’s curriculum, fundraising expectations and more.
A member of the Dream Team will help with any uncertain topics, ranging from “What is Power Reading?” to “What’s the Annual Auction all about?” and everything in between. You will be provided a list of the Dream Team parents and phone numbers at the start of the school year.
Student Ambassadors are experienced students who are assigned to accompany your child throughout the day of their school visit. Student Ambassadors are selected specifically for your child’s age and classroom. The assigned student serves as a greeter, a guide, and a friend. Our goal is to make sure your child is comfortable during their visit to our school and that their day goes as smoothly as possible!
To get in touch with a parent ambassador, send a request to: